Born in Turin on 20 July 1850, died on 26 February 1941. Pupil, at the Accademia Albertina del Gamba, Castaldi and Fontanesi, from which, however, he distanced himself, in a much more accentuated realistic research. He began his career in 1870 with the painting The banks of the Po in Turin, which is one of the most notable works placed in the Turin Civic Museum; he established his fame with the painting The solitary statues, in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome, and reaffirmed it with beautiful canvases, mostly dazzling views of Piedmont. He also dealt with the figure and the portrait, although very little is known about this activity. He was present, often awarded, always admired at the main European exhibitions. Best known works: Summer in the Prealps and Between Val di Suso, and Val di Sangone, in the Civic Museum of Turin; Winter sadness, in the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome; Summer, in the Cotogno di Biella collection; Landscape, in the Turri one in Milan; Spring; Rainy day in spring; July morning; View of the Val Solda; The name of the damo; Terrace in the villa; Umbrian Hospitalis; August morning; Turin hills; Nature and the artist; The vegetable garden; Alt; On the plateau; The last snow; Narrow street in the countryside; Twilight on the Po. Other works by him are housed in the Modern Art Galleries of Milan, Venice, Piacenza and in the royal palaces of Turin and Capodimonte. Another edition of the painting located in the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome is preserved in the Delleani di Carignano collection. The solitary statues, which Calderini instead titled The evil garden of Turin after the rain. He cultivated lithography and was a writer of art things. Among his students are: C.F. Cabutti and Camillo Merlo; Enrico Reycend was influenced by it.
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