Born in Milan on May 14, 1815, died in the same city on November 4, 1878. « His father, employed in the kitchens of the Court, lodged him as a child with the goldsmith Luigi Cossa, who protected him, helped him, initiated him to the teachings of Brera . Here in the first year of attendance, he received four prizes for essays on ornate, figure, nude and painting, and in the following years he continued to emerge, particularly gaining the admiration of Hayez, who brought him several clients. He was a close friend of Massimo d'Azeglio ever since those youthful years, sharing with them not only artistic ideals, but also the passion for a self-confident Italian spirit, ready for any sacrifice. In August 1848, after having given his activity as an artist and man to the glories of the insurrection, he was forced to take refuge in Switzerland, from which he passed to Tuscany, expressing his patriotic sentiments in exile with the Bulletin of the surrender of Rome and with the soldier's Pain ». «Only after 1859 was Domenico able to return to devote himself, with renewed serenity of mind, to his art, after having expressed his unsuppressed patriotic sentiments in the Arrival of the Villafranca peace bulletin. After 1859 he always lived in Milan. Up to the last few years, he was tirelessly active, giving life to innumerable canvases, now dispersed in galleries, museums and private collections ». (From the catalog of the retrospective exhibition of the painters Domenico and Gerolamo Induno, organized in the Castello Sforzesco in Milan by the Galleria dell'Arte e dell'Esame). His works, mostly oriented towards the so-called "popular art", are treated with exquisite ideality, meticulously, but with freshness and vivacity, and from them transpires a sincere, vigorous and intimate feeling of the life of his time. Ten of them are kept in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Milan, including: The rosary; School of Seamstresses (sketch); The laying of the foundation stone of the Milan Gallery (sketch and painting); Fire; and in the Pinacoteca di Brera: Alexander the Great and his doctor Philip and the hunter; in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome: Violin player and genre subject; Garibaldian sentinel, in the Modern Art Gallery of Novara. Other works: The arrival of the peace bulletin of Villafranca, in the collection of Eng. Adolfo Sirtori of Monza; Itinerant musicians, property of the grand'uff. Attilio Pirotta; The water dispenser, in the collection of Mr. Carlo Korner; Bread and tears, owned by Mrs. Maria Ramazzotti; The vivandiera, in the picture gallery of the comm. Franco Marinotti; The begging, in that of the Marquise Giustina Crivelli; Grandmother's lessons, owned by the Vanni brothers; Piety, in the collection of the lawyer. G. Radlinki; At the wheel of the exhibits, in that of prof. Emilio Pasquinelli; Poor Venice, property of Signor Guglielmo Thomas; The ironer, property of Doctor Luigi Molina; The model, in the gallery of the Artists and Patriotic Society of Milan; Dream, in the collection of Dr. prof. Nicola Carraro; The cook, in that of the comm. Attilio Vercelli; The painter, property of the architect. comm. Ulderico Tononi; The housewife, in the collection of Signor Primo Bianchi.
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