Born in Acceglio (Cuneo) on 15 June 1879, died suddenly in Saluzzo on 28 April 1932. He studied at the Albertina Academy in Turin, a pupil of Giacomo Grosso, Paolo Gaidano, Andrea Tavernier, Pier Celestino Gilardi, and Leonardo Bistolfi. in 1900, at the Turin Promoter, a plaster bust, the following year he made his debut in painting with a large canvas. On Monday, and later she participated in almost all the Promoters and in many Turin group exhibitions. A restless and tormented soul, he soon abandoned the academic way to follow Segantinian divisionism, of which he became one of the most convinced supporters. Lover of the sun, of light, of nature in its highest and most solemn expressions, he preferred these subjects even though he had given good proofs in the figure as well. He exhibited at all the most important national and international exhibitions, in Italy and abroad: in Turin, Rome, Milan, Venice, Genoa, Bologna, Rimini; in Paris, Brussels, Angers, Grenoble, Munich, Buenos Aires, obtaining prizes and awards. In recent years, his Mother killed him, portrayed by him in a beautiful picture that can be admired in the Civic Museum of Turin, he became increasingly isolated, no longer wanted to exhibit, and tragically ended a life as a generous, disinterested, sentimental artist. Many of his works are housed in public galleries and in private collections: Funerals in, in the Civic Museum of Cuneo; The snow, in that of Brà; Peasants, in the Lima Art Museum; Last rays, in the Keller and Topliz Gallery (Bohemia); The forges of Dronero, in the Yaroschenko Gallery (Russia); Last huts, in the Emilio Poltzer collection of Genoa; The sun in Ussolo, owned by the Berrone family, also from Genoa; The sun and II Monviso, in the collection of gr. office Luigi Burgo di Verzuolo, who was a friend and patron of the artist; Self-portrait and La neve, by the tenor comm. Rinaldo Grassi of Turin; The Valle del Gesso in Cuneo, in the picture gallery of the sen. Galimberti; First nevi, in the collection of dr. Rossi of Turin. Then: Christ; Snow in the sun; It ended 'd tribulè; Sadness; First rays; Suburb; Morning; Self-portrait under the moon; Sunny day; Refugee. L'Olivero was a faithful friend of Pellizza da Volpedo. and in Paris, by Zola, Barrès, Medardo Rosso.