Born in Trento on November 9, 1863, alive. He attended the courses of the Brera Academy in Milan, a disciple of Giuseppe Bertini, and in that Academy he is currently an adjunct teacher of figure. He deals with the landscape, the sacred subject, the mural decoration and the portrait. Of his vast production we recall the portraits: of Signor Ambrosi, kept in the Municipal Library of Trento; by the lawyer Luteri; by Avvocato Gilli; of the Lords Cembran of Lavis; of the Baronessine Salvatori; of the Londron Counts of Vienna. Other works: San Francesco, located in Rovereto in the church of San Rocco; The Madonna della corona, fresco, above the door of the church of Pressano; The basilica of Sant'Ambrogio; Interior of the church of Sant'Antonio; the large Dante painting Gli ignavi, with which he won the Gavazzi Prize in 1894; Come on, Savoy! ; In the library, which appeared at the great Milan Exhibition in 1906, on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Simplon Pass, with the title In the archive. He has decorated various villas and palaces in Trentino and the Social Theater of Trento. In the hall of the Albergo Regina di Levico he painted large wall panels depicting: Shepherding; The harvest; The olive harvest and the grape harvest. Works by him are scattered in private collections in Milan, Turin, Venice, Florence, Munich, London and Chicago.


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