Born in Milan on 25 September 1840 and died in the same city on 19 January 1914. He enrolled at a very young age (1857) at the Accademia di Brera in Milan where he was a pupil of Francesco Hayez and the director Giuseppe Bertini. Here he has as classmates Federico Faruffini, Tranquillo Cremona and Daniele Ranzoni, with whom he shares the Milanese studio in via San Primo for a few years. In 1860 he made a short stay in Paris and London where he had the opportunity to meet the English and French landscape architects of the early nineteenth century. Back in Italy he created subjects of history and genre such as Federico Barbarossa and Duke Henry the Lion in Chiavenna, for which he was awarded at the Brera exhibition in 1862 (Milan, Brera Art Gallery), Dance School, exhibited at Brera in 1865, and the Margherita Pusterla walking to the gallows, exhibited again in Brera in 1869 and purchased in the United States (the sketch is at the Novara Modern Art Gallery). Among his early works, with which he arouses lively controversy in Milan for the realistic setting and the unusual use of color, we mention: A game of billiards, presented at the Brera Exhibition in 1872, the first essay on Divisionism , and The dance school, exhibited in Milan in 1874, characterized by an unprecedented atmospheric unity and a more frank realism. Only later did his interests and research focus successfully on landscape painting and on en plain air subjects, which marked a real advancement such as Il verziere (1877), with which he obtained the first prize for landscape in Turin in 1880 (competing with Mosè Bianchi and Marco Calderini), and Piazza San Marco, still based on the perspective view, which obtained the Prince Umberto prize in Milan in 1882 and, the following year, exhibited in Rome, was purchased for the National Gallery of Modern Art of that city. In 1874 he became an honorary member of the Brera Academy - where he was later appointed professor of figure, and in 1878 he won the Mylius prize with the painting Buon cuore infantile. Twice, in 1882 (with Piazza San Marco in Venice) and 1897 (with Christ kissing humanity), he was awarded the Prince Umberto prize at the Brera Triennale. He participates in major exhibitions in Italy and abroad, in cities such as Naples (1877), Turin (1880, 1884 and 1889), Rome (1883), Venice (1887, 1895, 1899, 1901, 1909, with personal exhibitions by twenty works in 1910 and forty-five works in 1912), Milan (1880, 1881, 1882, 1897, 1900, 1902, 1913), Munich (1869), Paris (1867, 1889 and 1900) and Vienna (1894). His works are kept in the main public and private collections, including, in addition to those already mentioned, the Gallery of Modern Art in Milan (Aragoste, 1850, Un ratto, 1860, Interior of the church of Santa Maria at San Celso in Milan, 1872, The papal stone on the Mottarone road, 1875, Canale a Venezia, 1875, A morning on Lake Maggiore (La quiete del lago), about 1876, Just arrive !, 1886, Sul Mottarone, 1886, L '' Time of rest during the works of the Exhibition of 1881, 1887, Mount Cervino, 1890, La Borsa di Giuda, 1911), the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan (Bergamo Prealps, 1895) , the Pinacoteca di Brera (Federico Barbarossa and Duke Henry the Lion in Chiavenna, 1862, A game of billiards, 1867, Buon cuore infantile, 1878), the Martinitt and Stelline Museum in Milan (Il passatempo, 1871), the Galleria d '' Modern art Ricci Oddi of Piacenza (Strada al Mottarone, before 1898, Beach of the lake, 1880), the International Gallery of Modern Art in Rome (Piazza San Marco, 1882, five Views of Pompeii, 1883, Marina, 1888), the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Turin (Dance Lesson, 1865) , the Mediocredito Lombardo Collection (In the Mountains (Bergamo), around 1888), the Italian Touring Club of Milan (In Autumn or View of the Milan Cathedral from a balcony, 1883), the art collection of the Cariplo Foundation at the Gallerie d’Italia in Milan (Types of a peasant family in the Veneto region, 1885, The flock or Humanity, 1906, In the middle of winter, 1909), the International Gallery of Modern Art of Cà Pesaro in Venice ( Summer in the high mountains, 1909) and the Modern Art Gallery of Palazzo Forti in Verona (Biblical scene, 1860, Little harvest, 1880).
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