Born in Milan on 10 July 1862. Of humble conditions, he could hardly attend the Brera Academy, where Bertini and Casnedi taught. He was therefore above all self-taught, and trained in contact with the best artists of the time, especially Filippo Carcano. He revealed himself to the public in 1883, at the annual Brera Exhibition, with a Portrait of his father, and with Effetto di sole, a landscape that in the same year he sent to Rome, with Motta-rone on Lake Maggiore. Two years later, with the large painting Alle kitchens in Porta Nuova, also exhibited in Brera and currently in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Milan, Pusterla was able to claim to have achieved notoriety. A smaller replica of the Economic Kitchens was part of the comm. Paolo Ingegnoli also from Milan. Subsequently the artist exhibited: at the Florentine Promoter of 1886: Old fisherman; The begging of the poor and After a sermon; in Venice, in 1887, the same works: in Milan, again the Portrait of the father and that of Gustavo Macchi. He also painted another vast canvas, The Blood Drinkers, which he presented at the Brera Exhibition in 1891. Around 1898, Pusterla emigrated and settled in New York, where he successfully imported the graffiti decoration, without however abandoning the easel, and also dedicating himself to watercolor.
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