Juan Pablo Salinas was born in Madrid in 1871, where he spent a large part of his youth: initiated into the study of painting, he attended the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. In 1886 he moved to Rome, thanks to a grant from the Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Pablo thus joined his brother Augustin (1861-1915), who in turn worked as a painter in the Italian capital. Both brothers soon became members of the thriving community of Spanish artists in Rome, where Pablo completed his artistic training. Salinas also spent a period in Paris, where he was influenced by the work of Ernest Meissonier: it was after his stay in Paris that he established himself within the international art scene, selling his works in Central Europe, in Russia, in America. Salinas managed to achieve a moderate popularity, so much so that his paintings, from 1887, were exhibited in various Exposiciones Nacionales de Bellas Artes in Madrid. A few years later, in 1892, the magazine Illustration Artistica reproduced one of his domestic scenes in one of its issues. Juan Pablo Salinas specialized in genre painting that reproduced life scenes in typical costumes of the eighteenth century: his characters are inserted in luxurious interiors, palaces and churches, or depict sections of everyday life in Italy and Spain of the time . During his career, Salinas collected a large collection of antiques, which he often featured in his works of him. On numerous occasions the artist used his two daughters, Leila and Consuelo, as models. He died in 1946 in Rome.


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