The son of a barber, he went to Paris at a very young age, where between 1906 and 1908 he frequented the circles of impressionist and post-impressionist painters and visited museums introducing himself to the knowledge of the great ancient and modern masters. Back in Italy he settled in Val Sabbia with his painter friend Edoardo Togni. In 1912, thanks to the "Legato Bruzzoni" scholarship from the municipality of Brescia, he was able to move to Milan and in 1915 start his activity as a painter, in the studio opened in via Bagutta 11. The outbreak of the First World War, in which he participated, it forces a long break in its activity. His pictorial evolution continued until the end, passing from the initial Divisionism to a freer painting performed without drawing, on the wave of the impression, to come to bravely and consciously confront the new trends, in a sort of figurative / informal.